List of products, distributed by AGEA Pharma in Austria:
Side effects/quality defects:
According to drug law and Pharmacovigilance regulation 2006, members of the healthcare professions medical doctors, dentists, veterinarians, dentists, midwives, pharmacists, druggists and tradespeople which are authorized to manufacture medicinal products or for wholesale of pharmaceuticals in accordance with the Commercial Code of 1994 and Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAH) are obliged to report adverse events / side-effects to the Federal Office for Safety in Healthcare (BASG, AGES)
You will find the form on AGES Website
Reports of side effects / quality defects to AGEA Pharma GmbH
Phone: +43-1-336 01 41
Fax: +43-1-336 01 41-30
Your email will be read and edited on weekdays.