Legal Notice
- Company name:
- AGEA Pharma GmbH
- Address:
- Goldeggasse 7/7, 1040 Wien
- Phone:
- +43/1/336 01 41
- Telefax:
- +43/1/336 01 41-30
- E-Mail:
- office∂
- Internet:
- Managing director:
- Mag. Alois Wurm
- Form of organization:
- GmbH
- Register:
- Firmenbuch
- Register/Location:
- Handelsgericht Wien
- Register number:
- 364227d
- Tax-ID:
- ATU66908769
- Line of business:
- Production of drugs and poisons and wholesale of medicines and poisons restricted to the wholesale distribution of medicinal.
- Authority:
- Magistrat der Stadt Wien als Gewerbebehörde (
Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen (
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Familie und Jugend (
Online dispute resolution in accordance with article 14, section 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions, which you can find here:
Please read our privacy policy.